Call for submissions to Turning the Tide exhibition

As part of the programme for this year’s Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific Meeting (SAPC ASM), which we are hosting in Bristol on 3-5 July, we are inviting submissions for an art exhibition on the theme of water and health. Successful submissions will be displayed at the conference and online. There will be prizes of £150 for outstanding entries. Anyone is welcome to make a submission, including delegates to the conference.

Tiled montage of images of sea, ocean, dolphins, sharks, whales, coast and people swimming and deep sea diving.

The exhibition is being organised by Dr Alan Kellas and Dr Catherine Lamont-Robinson from Bristol Medical School. Both Alan and Catherine lead a Year 3 medical student research project around ‘Blue Health’, which is the inspiration for the exhibition titled: ‘Turning the tide: water as medicine – exploring water’s role in sustaining health for our global and community futures: a multimedia enquiry and collaboration between arts and science, evidence and practice, medicine and ecology’.
